
Whittle Eastern Europe Logistics Limited


  • Well done to our MD - Natasha
    2024-07-24 11:53

    More than 2,500 cyclists took part in a 60 mile (97km) bike ride from Salford to Blackpool on 14th July 2024. Our intrepid MD Natasha rode all the way on her trusty bike!

    Event has been running for 34 years and raises money for the Christie cancer charity.

    Well done Nash!

  • "Happy Women's Day"

    “Happy Women’s Day to all the incredible women! May you be celebrated today and every day for your strength, grace, and achievements.”

  • Happy retirement! We will miss you at the office!
    2023-03-30 03:17

    • Your hard work, dedication and achievements may never be matched. Thank you for everything you have contributed to this company.

  • We are MACMILLAN Cancer Support !

    We think you are amazing!!!

    Thank you for everything you did to make the home baked cake a huge success.

    Together we raised  £360!!!

  • Whittle Response to the situation in Ukraine
    2022-03-18 11:13


    Whilst it is distressing to witness the scenes of destruction and the desperate plight of thousands innocent Ukrainian families it is nevertheless heart-warming to see the strength of the humanitarian response.


    Thanks to the kindness of people and businesses in the UK, with donations of food, clothing, sleeping bags, first aid kits, torches, medicines, toiletries and pharmaceuticals,  desperately needed supplies are being delivered to key crisis points on the Ukrainian border. This can only be done with an effective logistics solution: to get the goods where they’re needed most.


    WHITTLE EASTERN EUROPE have been actively engaged in this project in recent weeks and so far have organised over 60 trucks of humanitarian aid from the UK to the Polish/Ukrainian border. We have staff in the office from Poland and Ukraine providing trailers & drivers, organising  international transport from consolidation points,  booking ferries and providing customs documentation and liaison where required, to ensure the cargo can transit intermediate borders with minimum hindrance and delay.


    We are also responsible for liaison with the receivers of the cargo. We speak to them in  their own language to ensure the aid is delivered and distributed as efficiently as possible to where it’s needed most.


    So a big thank you to all who have made a donation, however small.


    We are here to help, contact David@weell.co.uk or tel 01254 825 599 for friendly expert advice

  • Solidarity with the people of Ukraine
    2022-03-01 09:14

    Whittle Eastern Europe Logistics Ltd stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.  Both our  company and  our employees  are committed in contributing and facilitating the  humanitarian aid effort.

    We are able to take humanitarian aid shipments from the UK  to any border point in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary , Romania or Moldova.

    if you need logistics and customs support please contact  our company ,  we are ready to help !

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like Xmas at Whittles
    2021-12-08 02:07

  • Interesting facts from Whittle’s 25 years in logistics
    2021-06-02 12:00

    1) At present in 2021 Whittles specialise in 31 Eastern European countries . How  many countries  would Whittles have served in 1990 with the same geographic coverage?

    Currently Whittles specialise in 31 Eastern European countries from Poland in the West to Kazakhstan in the East. However in 1990 or earlier, within the same geographic boundaries there were only 8! A full 23 countries less! First, the Soviet Union broke up into 15 independent states  on 26.12.1991,  then Czechoslovakia split into the Czech and Slovakian republics on 01.01.1993, and finally Yugoslavia gradually split into 7 independent countries between 1991 and 2008. The last newly emerged independent Eastern European country was Kosovo in 2008.

    Eastern Europe is not an easy region. Geopolitical problems,  tensions and disputes have always been part of our work in Eastern Europe. Whittles maintained its services into the problem regions even during military conflicts, escalations and political tensions : in Yugoslavia in 90ss, in Central Asia in 2001, in Georgia in 2008, in Ukraine from 2014 onwards and most recently Azerbaijan and Armenia in Autumn 2020.

    Sadly, some regions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine are still currently off limits and inaccessible or very difficult to enter due to the political situation.

    2) What is the furthest point in the East that you can go to by truck from the UK?

    Whittles routinely send trucks to Novosibirsk in Siberia or Almaty in Kazakhstan, which is close to the Chinese border, but Whittles’ record for the continuous journey of a truck (direct, with no transhipment) was organised in 2018 from Scotland to Kholmsk on Sakhalin Island, off the Far Eastern coast of the Russian mainland, due North of Japan. The journey took 17 days and the delivery point was closer to Japan than any other place on the continent.

    3) What is the furthest point South that you can go to by truck from the UK

    Whittles have pushed the boundaries in that direction too: Morocco would  be the southernmost destination that we organised as a continuous non-transhipment journey taking a ferry from Southern Spain. Whittles did this route on numerous occasions since 2019. In the Middle East Sulaymaniyah and Erbil in  Northern Iraq would be the current record holder destination for a non-transhipment trailer journey via Bulgaria and Turkey. This route has been on Whittles list since 2005 despite the dangers in this region.

    2021-06-03 12:00


    Yes it all started 25 years ago when WHITTLE EASTERN EUROPE came into the world…

    …and from humble beginnings: 5 people in small premises in rural Grindleton – telephones, fax machines, floppy discs, good old Atlas and road maps, a few Eastern European languages and a strong determination to succeed.

    With a lot of hard work and commitment to the highest quality of service, the company has grown to become a major player in the EASTERN EUROPEAN logistics market.

    We now employ over 40 staff across 5 departments and 5 suites in the relative luxury of the Printworks in Barrow, with a turnover around £20 million and now speaking 24 languages!

    But most importantly we’ve become a trusted and valued service supplier to countless household names, and a logistics specialist well-respected by fellow professionals.

    It’s been a hell of a journey over the last 25 years – thank you for being part of it!

    Here’s to the next 25!!

  • Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!
    2019-12-19 10:22

    Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year! Wishing you and your family peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year. Merry Christmas. May the Holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

  • Macmillan Cancer support - big thank you !!!
    2019-10-07 12:00

    We’d like to thank you to all of those which supported our action for fund raising for Macmillan Cancer Support. Big thank you to all the ladies for baking the very nice cakes as well as to all of those which supported the action.

    With your help, our colleagues have managed to collect £400 which will be donated to MacMillan.

    (photos attached).

  • We have new HOODIES!

    As of last week we have new hoodies with our company logo on it.

    Here are some photos (click on the link below).


    2019-03-11 12:00

    Dear customer,

    Whittle Eastern Europe has published the Brexit statement

  • Whittle ladies getting ready for the festive season
    2018-12-11 12:00

    Whittle ladies getting ready for the festive season with wreath making session in the boardroom organised by our inhouse florist Zaneta

  • Whittle has cover the longest ever route in our company history
    2018-07-03 12:00

    As specialists in logistics to the distant parts of Europe – including Central Asia, Russia and the Caspian – we at Whittle Eastern Europe are proud to announce our longest ever road freight route.

    We have shipped mining machinery out to Siberia before, but we currently have a full trailer load of chemicals in transit from Aberdeen to one of the remotest regions in Russia.

    The goods are crossing Russia almost entirely from West to East and their destination – beyond Kazakhstan,  Mongolia and even China – is Korsakov on Sakhalin Island, just North of Japan in the Pacific!

    The distance by road is over 13,000 kms, (a third of the distance around the world at the equator) and with a double-manned vehicle the journey will only take 14-18 days.

    Sakhalin is Russia’s largest island. Half of Sakhalin belonged to Japan, but Russia seized it in the final days of the Second World War.  Sakhalin’s economy is growing rapidly thanks to its oil and gas industry. The island is the largest recipient of foreign investment in Russia, followed by Moscow.

    It just goes to show – for road-freight to Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and beyond – Whittle have all the solutions you could possibly wish for!